Audiologists work collaboratively with ear, nose and throat doctors and perform detailed exams to determine the cause and extent of hearing and balance problems. The team develops a treatment plan to address balance issues, hearing loss and improve communication, including:
Hearing evaluations – We provide hearing evaluations for all ages. These evaluations include pure-tone audiometry, speech audiometry, impedance audiometry, otoacoustic emissions testing and auditory evoked response testing.
Hearing aid fittings – We offer a variety of hearing amplification devices from several manufacturers. Following your evaluation, we will work with you to decide the most appropriate listening system for your needs.
Hearing aid repairs – We are able to repair many hearing instruments in our office. If an out-of-office repair is necessary, we will send it to the manufacturer for that repair. This includes in-warranty and out-of-warranty repairs.
Custom ear molds and protection – We offer many different styles of custom ear molds for hearing aids, as well as for hearing protection. Amplified hearing protection is also available (popular for hunters). Impressions of your ears are necessary for custom ear molds.
Assistive listening devices – We offer a variety of assistive devices including captioned telephones, amplified stethoscopes, amplified alarm clocks, telephone ringers, fire alarms and television amplifiers.
Vestibular (balance) testing - Audiologists use video nystagmography testing to assess balance system functioning for patients who experience vertigo and dizziness. This testing is useful for the physician to determine the proper course of treatment for vertigo.
Cochlear implants - A cochlear implant may be recommended for an individual who does not get significant benefit from hearing aids. To determine if a cochlear implant is appropriate, the audiologist will perform a thorough pre-operative evaluation to assess speech understanding, among other things. If the patient is determined to be a cochlear implant candidate, he or she will be referred to a cochlear implant surgeon at another facility. A few weeks after surgery, the implant must be activated (turned on). Activation and ongoing post-operative cochlear implant services are offered at Merit Health Wesley.